Both therapeutic and nurturing, this form of massage taps into the muscular and nervous systems allowing a major reset to occur in the body. The therapist moves the client a way that safely follows the range of motion of that particular clients ability. The therapist listens to what the clients body is telling them and applies the techniques as the body allows.

I experienced a completely different approach to massage. The Multi Dimensionality of the work was really effective and efficient. It was such a refreshing addition that I can bring to my clients on the table immediately after the completion of the class.

- Student from Pacific Northwest Annual Massage Therapist Retreat July 2019.

I believe in exceptional Massage and am now giving guidance to Massage Therapists around the world to do the same. Dynamic Flow Massage grew out of repeatedly having my clients express how they would love for other Massage Therapists to include the movement and stretching that I incorporate into all my sessions. Lots of Continuing Education, a trip to the World Massage championships and a Silver Medal later, here we are. The school is still in creation mode with load of the good stuff available. My question to you as a Massage Therapist is, do you want Clients so loyal they will refuse to see another LMT? Do you want to have the tools in your tool belt to equip you to really aid your clients in healing their bodies?